To correct myopia, hypermetropia and Astigmatism
To understand lasik we need to first understand how our eyes work.
Cornea bends the rays of light inwards and this light then gets fine focused by the lens to fall on retina from where optic nerve takes all the signals to the train .If the eye ball is longer or shorter than normally a person needs to wear glasses or contact lenses to help focus the light on the retina. We cannot change the length of the eyeball but we can surely remove glasses by working on cornea or on the lens. The process by which shape of the cornea is remodeled is called LASIK.


Cornea has 5 layers and to perform a spectacle removal surgery we need to remove the top layer and laser the underlying tissue.
Cornea has 5 layers and to perform a spectacle removal surgery we need to remove the top layer and laser the underlying tissue.
In PRK, the thin outer layer of the cornea is removed and discarded. Underlying corneal tissue is reshaped using excimer laser, new epithelium grows back over the corneal surface within a few days after surgery. When epithelium is lifted using a surgical instrument called trephine preserving and replacing it at the end of the procedure it is called LASEK.


Trans PRK

Is a new one step incision free procedure.
The same laser beam removes the epithelium and also treats the underlying corneal tissue. Clear contact lens is used to reduce discomfort during the healing of the epithelium.


  No Incision Or Flap Created In The Cornea.
  No Touch – All Laser.
  Removes Epithelium More Preciously And Early Than Manual PRK.
  Wound Surface – Usually Smaller, So It Heals Quickly.
  Wound Surface – Usually Smaller, So It Heals Quickly.
  Overall Treatment Time Is Shortened..

Advantages of Trans PRK

This compact excimer laser from the technology leader has 500Hz Repetition rate , 0.34 mm laser spot and 5D eye tracking system. The Schwind Amaris 500E is a fast and efficient precise eye laser system for refractive and therapeutic corneal surgery.






Eligible candidates for corneal refractive surgery
At least 18 year of age.
Have healthy eyes that are free from any eye disease or corneal abnormalities leg scar, infection.
All other parameters in the eye being reasonably normal.
Normal pre operative refractive surgery tests.
Should not have any connective tissue disease (Rheumatoid arthritis ) , autoimmune (SLE) and AIDS.
Should not be pregnant or nursing mother.
What is the procedure and follow-up
Procedure :

Please remember that of you are a contact lens wearer, you have to discontinue your contact lenses at least 2 weeks prior to your Lasik appointment ( as the contact lens can alter the shape of the cornea ) during this period you can wear spectacles.

As part of Lasik workup, your eyes will be dilated for retina examination which will cause your vision to be slightly blurred and you may not be in a position self drive.

Treatment is planned as per persons needs, age and glass power to give precise results.

What to expect during the procedure
Anesthetic drops are installed on the eye
Your eyes will be positioned under the laser and lid speculum is used to keep the eyelid open
Based on the type and refractive procedure, surgeon will create the flap or the bed for the refractive procedure.
You will be asked to look at the target light for a short while as the laser sends pulses of light to your cornea
You will also hear a sound while the laser is operating. Lasik will be performed on each eye separately at the same setting.
Immediately after the procedure
After the procedure is done, the surgeon will take a look at your eyes on the slit lamp
Post lasix instruction will be given
After resting for a short period of time, you will be able to go home.
Follow up

Follow up

Patient will be received on the next day following the procedure. in lasix bcl is removed on the 1st post operative day and hans prk is removed after 4-5 days.

Post refractive surgery instruction
Meld to moderate tearing is expected after the procedure
A sense of foreign body sensation and creations are common
Small red spots on the white surface of the eye occasionally appear.
Sensitivity to bright light (corneal haze on the day of the procedure).
Investigation of eye drops as per instructions
Do not touch or rub the eyes
Do not take head bath on splash water in to the eye for swipes
Do not clean the eye on the day of surgery
Do not use eye cosmetics for one month
Avoid exercise for 1 week
Avoid self driving for 1 week
What are the side effect.
There is a possibility that you may still need spectacles or contact lenses to attain good vision following treatment
Patient may have light sensitivity, halos, dryness and glare after treatment
Very rarely severe complications during or after corneal refractive surgery ( eg. flap problems, infections) can result and may need extensive treatment.
What are the alternatives

Spectacles and contact lenses are the most common method of correcting refractive errors. The other option to correct your vision is ICL (Implantable contact lens)